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Home > Articles > 19th and 20th CENTURY EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN ART

19th and 20th CENTURY EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN ART– collection of art works of the outstanding artists

Interesting excursion with tour guide in Moscow. Gallery of European and American art of XIX–XX centuries is a unique collection represented by the creative work of masters of these continents.

To penetrate to the depth of the creative work of great masters of XIX–XX centuries, order a guide to the gallery of European and American art. The guide will conduct an excursion in halls, tell about remarkable masterpieces. You will remember this captivating journey to the world of creative work.

Gallery of European and American art of XIX–XX centuries is a new department of Pushkin State museum of fine arts. Since August 2006 the gallery has been opened for visitors. This is inimitable space participating in the cultural life of Moscow. The major part consists of private collections of: Morozov, Tretyakov, Shchukin and so on. Gallery is an expression of respect to merchants and collectors thanks to whose work, cultural wealth of Russia has increased.

The museum building located on Volhonka Street, was a small house of princes Golitsins’ manor. Since 1988 to 1993 the building was subjected to total reconstruction. On the territory of 26 halls there is an exposition of the representatives of the most important trends of European art, including Nazarene movement, artists of the salon of Paris, “les fauves”, abstractionists. In separate halls there is an exposition of the art of world famous artists: Cézanne, Monet, Matisse, Renoir,  Degas, van Gogh, de Toulouse-Lautrec, Pissarro, Derain, Rousseau, Picasso and group of “Nabis”. In separate hall there is an exposition of German school of fine art of the beginning of 19 century which includes the works of Caspar Friedrich.

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