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Tour guide in Moscow
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Private guide in Moscow: what are the advantages?

Guide-translators in Moscow do very important job. Unlike the large companies and tourist agents, such a guide in Moscow conducts unique excursions adapted for the particular client.

If you are interested in services of the private guide, you can call or write me by e-mail: or send your request in the form of feedback which you will find on the site + coordinate program for the tour meant for 2-3-4 days.

Pluses are evident:

  • with a private guide in Moscow you can walk by unusual route, to choose only the most interesting places;
  • professional works on one client and not on a mixed group;
  • in a “private program”, guide can tell you many interesting things – that is not told on “official” excursions;
  • specialist will comply with your expectations, he will adjust under your style of communication, and will flexibly adjust informational part of the tale or excursion to the particular questions.

How do the guide-translators work in Moscow?

In standard offers of the companies, as a rule there are fixed point of the start and approximate route. Entrance tickets are ordered when it’s necessary. The possibility to visit a café or restaurant  on the way is thought through. The program is meant for the average “user” and very standardized. Private guide in Moscow will conduct absolutely different excursion. Usually, interaction occurs  in the following way:

  1. You leave an application or contact the guide-translator.
  2. You indicate the dates of your stay in the capital of Russia.
  3. You outline your sphere of interests, objects you want to see or coordinate the in the subsequent correspondence.
  4. You fly to Moscow, meet the specialist and get maximum pleasure from the excursions and the trip.

Your personal guide will take care that everything will be according client’s needs. It will be absolutely easy to choose necessary excursions in Moscow with a guide: one can combine business purposes and personal interest, sphere and area of client’s activity. It’s easy to calculate the approximate time for the excursions in Moscow: with a guide for an individual client this is easier than with those who work for the whole group. And of course, I can adjust under any particularities: rate of movement, desired rate of obtaining of impressions, necessity in the rest stops or visit to the café, purchase of the souvenirs.

How to choose the best specialist?

It’s difficult to tell with what professional you will be the most comfortable. The most promising ones are those specialists who know the language excellently (from the one hand) and motivated to render excursion to client in the most interesting way. “Sparkling” eyes and emotions – this is what always inspire the tourists.  The paper that can confirm competence of professional is accreditation of guides-translators.

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