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Home > Articles > ST.BASIL'S CATHEDRAL


Personal guide in Moscow with interesting excursion. Known all over the world, Saint Basil's Cathedral is a historical monument of Russian Orthodoxy, symbol of capital and Russian state.

Saint Basil's Cathedral is recognized as miracle of architecture of Russian masters. In 2011 the cathedral celebrated 450 years from the foundation. It’s situated not for from the Kremlin, on the territory of the Red Square. It can be called a real town in the capital. On one foundation there were erected 10 churches by the order of Ivan the Terrible, 5 of the churches were built in the honor of crushing victory over Kazan khanate. The cathedral has been called Trinity cathedral till 17th century.

To see all the beauties of the symbol of the capital – Saint Basil's Cathedral, order the guide services on the main sights of the capital. Only in a few hours you will learn so many surprising things, which you will never find in the Internet, only experienced guide will tell you this.

Today the cathedral is decorated by ten cupolas, 8 churches have harmonically arranged around the main cathedral in a form of 8-pointed star. All churches are connected with each other by the foundation and internal gallery which is pained with interesting vegetative ornaments. Every cupula is unique, every cupula doesn’t look like the other. The brick with white stone which was used in the construction process adds it special strictness.

According to the legend, the treasury of the kingdom was hidden in the cellar of the cathedral till 1595. In our days cathedral is at disposal of Russian Orthodox Church and also museum of Moscow. Every Sunday divine services take place in the cathedral.

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