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Home > 21 Trinity church in Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow

Excursion to the Trinity church in Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow with private tour guide in English

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The eastern church was consecrated in the name of the Holy Trinity. It is believed that St. Basil's Cathedral was built on the site of the old Trinity Church, by which name the temple was often called. One of the four largest churches of Cathedral is a two-story octagonal pillar, ending with light drum and dome. Its height is 21m.

During the restauration of 1920 ancient architecturally-decorative interior of the cathedral was restored: half-columns and pilasters framing arches-entrances of the lower part of the octagonal structure, decorative belt of arches.

In the vault of the dome the spiral is laid with small bricks – symbol of eternity. Stepped windowsills in combination with bleached smooth walls and vault make Trinity church especially fair and ornate. Under the fair drum “resonators” are mounted into the walls – figulines for the intensification of the sound. The church is illuminated by the most ancient in the cathedral church-chandelier of the end of 16 century.

Original iconostasis consisting of icons placed on horizontal transoms was restored in the church.

The feature of the iconostasis is unusual form of the lower Tsar Gates and three-tier icons forming three canonic ranks: prophetic, Deesis and festive. Icon “Old Testament Trinity” in the Sovereign tier of the iconostasis is one of the most ancient and honored icons of the second half of 16 century.

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