Tour guide in Moscow
Guide touristique à Moscou
Reiseleitung in Moskau
It’s difficult to find a person who wouldn’t interested in the most valuable treasures of Russian empire and symbols of autocracy – scepter and Big Crown, the value of which is not still determined exactly due to its uniqueness.
Unique heritage of historical past of Russia which can be seen in Diamond Fund and Kremlin Armory. The symbols of autocracy of the empire, diamonds, sapphires, brilliants, topazes, which are real priceless works of art.
Order the excursion with a guide to see the Diamond fund and Kremlin Armory. Write us by e-mail: It’s difficult to express the beauty of the exhibits of this museum in words, it’s better to see everything with your own eyes. A guide will tell you about unique facts from the life of the emperor’s family connected with the precious museum collection. Call and make and order a guide tour to get many impressions from what you will see and hear.
For a long time Moscow has been known for its traditions and rich past. So, one of the miracles of the world is Moscow kremlin, on the territory of which there re Diamond fund and Kremlin Armory. This richest heritage of Kremlin museum was founded by Peter I who concentrated in his room almost all wealth of the empire. It remained in the original form from 1719 to the middle of 18th century and then was transferred to the Diamond room of Winter Palace. The fund was enriched from the state sources at the expense of the presents to imperial family.
The Diamond fund was supplemented even during the times of Catherine II and Elisabeth collection was enlarged with big amount of diamonds and different jewelries. At that time there was made the first inventory of the exhibits. Here one can enjoy the real works of art with their legends. Here is a map of Russia made of diamonds.