Tour guide in Moscow
Guide touristique à Moscou
Reiseleitung in Moskau
Excursion to Novodevichy Convent of Moscow with private tour guide.
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They were founded by Godunov and were fortified and widened under Sofia’s rule. At present time their total length is 870 meters, height is 7-11 meters, and thickness is up to 5 meters. Forming irregular pentagon, they surround the territory with total area of 5 hectares. Along the perimeter of the walls there are 12 towers: four round angular towers with Marksman guardrooms, and the other eight are tetragonal.
Church of the Transfiguration has adorned Northern front gates. Its quadrangle with three rows of windows is finished with a belt of huge white-stone shells and five faceted drums with figured heads.
To the left of the gates there are cellular chambers which have gone down to the history of the convent as Lopukin’s chambers. They were built in 1687-1688 for princess Catherine, daughter of the tsar Alexey Michailovich but they are better known under the name “Lopukhin’s”, after the name of Eudoxia Lopukhina, first wife of Peter living here from 1727 to 1731. The iconostasis by Carp Zolatarev (famous master of State Armory) remained in the church.
Small church of Intercession of the Virgin was erected above the south household gates (1683 – 1688). It’s not so majestic as Church of the Transfiguration but not less original. Three light tier cupolas of this cathedral are placed in the one row above the narthex, refectory and an altar, while in the side cupolas there are belfries. From the east it’s joined by three floors of Marian chambers which were built for the sister of Peter I – princess Maria Alexeevna.
One-storey stone building of the chambers was built in 1718-11726. Originally there were cells for the lay brothers, later preceptress lived there and in XIX century the building was reconstructed for the nuns- choristers. That’s why the chambers are named so. In 1725 by the order of Peter I there was opened orphan’s hope for girls-orphans Now here are refectory and cells for the nuns.