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Home > Articles > The State Tretyakov Gallery is one of the main sights of the capital.

The State Tretyakov Gallery is one of the main sights of the capital.

Visiting Tretiakovka with tour guide. The State Tretyakov Gallery is an enormous collection of paintings and architectural works which has been collected during many centuries.

It’s impossible to cover and appreciate the State Tretyakov Gallery at its true value without preparation and a guide. Order a guide to Tretyakovka to learn how to orientate yourself in its halls, to know about its peculiarities, see the sense which is not seen from the first look.

The State Tretyakov Gallery is one of the most favorite tourists’ Moscow places.  Literally every visitor of Moscow is anxious to see the richest collection which has its own irony. The State Tretyakov Gallery is located on the territory of Crimea rampart; it’s a museum with works of art, founded by a merchant and manufacturer Pavel Tretyakov in 1856. This gallery was called in honor of its patron. Tretyakov bought the first paintings in for collection in the middle of 19 century. Since then, the collection has been increasing.

Nowadays Tretyakovka is one of the most famous museums of the world and is highly appreciated among art experts. Gallery collection strikes not only the true connoisseurs of fine art masterpieces but also those who have visited the gallery for the first time. An exhibition called “Treasury” enjoys special popularity.  It represents articles produced from 12 century to present time, made of high-standard metals and precious stones. Its halls are equipped by soft artificial light since the works represented here don’t stand direct bright light.

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