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Home > New Jerusalem Monastery

New Jerusalem Monastery, outside Moscow. Tour of the New Jerusalem Monastery (town of Istra) with a tour guide in English

22-Moscow-with-an-English-speaking-guide If you are interested in services of a tour guide in Moscow, please get in touch with us through our "Contact us" form, WhatsApp or email

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Visit the unique monastery located in the town of Istra (60 km from Moscow) with a tour guide in English. This complex of temples was founded by patriarch Nikon in the middle of XVII century together with tsar Alexey Mikhailovich. The original plan was to build a monastery similar to the one built on the Holy land.

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But during the construction of the monastery patriarch Nikon fell into disgrace and was sent to exile. The person who gave the idea for the temple never saw its impressive architecture and didn't get to admire its beauty. The monastery was built on the basis of the model of Church of the Holy Sepulchre brought by the Jerusalem patriarch. At the same time 15 bells were cast, and one of them is still preserved.

The monastery got a place similar to the mount of Olives and mount of Tabor, and a part nearby was made to look like garden of Gethsemane where Christ was fighting his allurements and managed to overcome them. Entrance to the monastery itself is free, but the priests ask not to confuse the monastery complex and the museum – entrance to the Izba with household items and other exhibits is paid.

23-Moscow-with-an-English-speaking-guide Excursion around the monastery, its grounds, temple, discovering its impressive outer and inner décor together with the guide, admiring the painted cupolas, iconostasis, décor in baroque style will help you to get to know Russian culture better.

You will be surprised by the history, meaning and value of the temple. Hints from an English speaking tour guide will help you to get in touch with the mystery of faith and understand the ideas of the architects at each step of existence, development and reconstruction of the famous monument founded in 1649 that became the most visited Christian pilgrimage destination of XVIII-XIX centuries.

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