Tour guide in Moscow
Guide touristique à Moscou
Reiseleitung in Moskau
Where to go with kids and/or what else to see in Moscow and Moscow region
Moscow Hermitage Garden
Parks and orangeries (see photos below)
Shooting range
Oceanarium on the Dmitrovskoye shosse
Cylindric aquarium at the Aviapark Mall
Skating rink
Central Kids' Store at the Lubianka street (toys, activities, clothes for kids)
Dream Island (Russian Disneyland)
Cable car
State Darwin Museum
Palace of Alexei Mikhailovich
Chambers of the Romanov Boyars
Museum of Cosmonautics
Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics at VDNKh
Boat trip on the Moscow river
Museum of Unique Dolls
Museum of Culinary
Moscow Museum of Perfumes
Museum of Chocolate
Moscow Museum of Cat
Museum of Artistic Textile
Moscow Museum of Butterflies
Aptekarskiy Ogorod
Botanical Gardens, Orangeries in Moscow
Lumier Hall – animated pictures
Technical Museum (Moscow region)
Railway Museum
Museum of Retro Cars
Aviation Museum of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation (Moscow region)
Museum of Military machines in the Victory Park
House of Racoon Farm (Moscow region)
Russian Alpacas farm (Moscow region)
Reindeer farm (Moscow region)
Russian Ostrich farm (Moscow region)
Haski Park Complex (Moscow region)
Mini horses farm (Moscow region)
Coca-Cola World Museum (Moscow region)
Living Systems interactive museum
Experimentanium Science Museum
Museum of Soviet Arcade Machines