Tour guide in Moscow
Guide touristique à Moscou
Reiseleitung in Moskau
Moscow sightseeing in English with a tour guide.
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If you are interested in art, it is a good idea to visit the Tseretely Art Gallery with a guide. This gallery was founded in 2001 by Zurab Tsereteli, director of the Academy of Fine Arts. Museum collection contains over 2000 items from the private collection of the director, which includes his own works, and works of artists and sculptors of XVIII-XX centuries.
The building itself is one of the most beautiful neoclassical mansions in Moscow. It belonged to princes Dolgoruki, and it was restored in the 1990s under the supervision of Tsereteli. Now it has a gallery with a panorama of author's works, and not only. It shows works of the members of the Academy, and houses many other exhibitions that are held within the frame of large well-known festivals.
First department includes:
Itineraries in Moscow (see more)
Together with an English-speaking Moscow tour guide you can see such wonderful exhibits as a copy of the monument to Christopher Columbus in Puerto Rico, sculptures of Yuri Luzhkov, Nikita Mikhalkov and Charlie Chaplin. One of the halls will surprise you with a two level architectural installation called “Apple”.
Must see of the second department are copies of the antique sculptures from the collection of Pushkin State Museum of Arts.